Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Radiology has an indispensable place in modern medicine for the detailed examination of the internal structures of the body, early diagnosis of diseases and determination of appropriate treatment methods.
Imaging Methods Used in Radiology
- X-ray: Provides rapid diagnosis of conditions such as bone fractures and lung infections.
- Computed Tomography (CT): Internal It is used to diagnose tumors, internal bleeding and many other diseases by providing detailed cross-sectional images of organs.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Provides detailed imaging of soft tissues, nerves and organs such as the brain.
- Ultrasonography: Uses high-frequency sound waves to obtain information about soft tissues and blood flow in the body. It is frequently preferred for pregnancy follow-up and evaluation of abdominal organs.
- Mammography: It is used for early diagnosis of breast cancer and other breast diseases.
- Doppler Ultrasound: It is used to evaluate blood flow and the condition of the vessels.
Importance of Radiology
- Early Diagnosis: Radiologic imaging methods allow diseases to be diagnosed at an early stage.
- Treatment Planning: In cases such as cancer treatment, the spread of the disease is evaluated with radiologic imaging and the most appropriate treatment method is determined.
- Reliable Diagnosis: Imaging performed with advanced devices helps make a correct diagnosis and reduce the risk of incorrect treatment.
Technological Devices Used in Radiology
Radiological imaging services performed with the latest technology devices in our hospital offer the following advantages:
- Sensitivity: High resolution images allow detailed examination of diseases.
- Fast Processing Time: Scanning is completed quickly with new generation devices.
- Patient Comfort: Modern devices allow patients to have a comfortable experience.
Areas of Use of Radiological Imaging
- Oncology: Determining the location, size and spread of tumors.
- Neurology: Diagnosis of brain and nervous system diseases.
- Cardiology: Evaluation of heart and vascular diseases.
- Orthopedics: Bone and joint
- Gastroenterology: Examination of internal organs such as the liver, gallbladder and intestines.
Radiology is one of the cornerstones of medicine in solving health problems. Radiological imaging methods offer reliable and indispensable support for early diagnosis and effective treatment processes. You can contact our hospital for more information and an appointment.