Patient Relatives and Their Rights
Right to Benefit from Services Every individual who applies to our hospital has the right to benefit from all services without discrimination of language, religion, race or sect, and to be informed about the diagnosis and treatment opportunities offered by our hospital and how to access these services. While the patient is in the process of diagnosis or treatment in a center contracted by our institution or our institution, he/she may request that his/her procedures continue in another institution.
Right to Information and Consent Our patients have the right to receive full information about their health status, including the proposed medical interventions and the potential risks or benefits of each intervention, alternatives to the proposed interventions, the consequences of not receiving treatment and the process to be followed, in a language and method they can understand. Except for medical and legal obligations, our patients have the right to decide on the treatment to be applied after being informed about issues such as the risk of serious side effects, risk of death, problems related to convalescence, and chances of success. If our patient exercises this right, he/she is deemed to have consented to the procedures to be performed. Our patients have the right to be informed about the correct evaluation and treatment of pain. Our patients and their families have the right to receive information on how to choose to donate organs and other tissues. Our patients have the right to be informed about how they can participate in clinical research and experiments conducted at the hospital, and patients who agree to participate have the right to receive information about how they and their families will be protected. Our patients may examine and obtain a copy of medical records containing information about their health status, either directly or through their proxy or legal representative. These records can only be seen by those directly involved in the treatment of the patient. Except as required by the provisions of the relevant legislation and the measures to be taken by the competent authorities according to the nature of the disease; the patient may request that no information about his/her health status be given to him/her or his/her family or relatives.
Right to Recognize, Select and Change Personnel Our patients have the right to know, select and change the identities, duties and titles of physicians, nurses and other health personnel responsible for their treatment. When the rights to choose the personnel, change the physician and request consultation are used, the fee difference determined by the legislation is covered by the patient using these rights.
Our patients have the right to choose and change the health institution and organization, provided that the procedures and conditions stipulated by the legislation to which they are subject are complied with. The patient can change the health institution provided that it is in accordance with the referral system determined by the legislation. However, it is essential that the patient is enlightened by his/her physician about whether changing the health institution will cause a life-threatening situation and whether his/her illness will be aggravated, and that there is no medical inconvenience in changing the health institution in terms of life-threatening situation. Except for emergency cases, patients who are affiliated to any social security institution and do not comply with the referral chain stipulated by the legislation shall pay the difference in the fee themselves.
Right to Refuse and Stop Treatment Except in legally mandatory cases and with the responsibility of the patient for the negative consequences that may arise, the patient has the right to refuse or stop the treatment planned or being applied to him/her. The possible consequences that may arise in case the patient refuses the treatment are explained by his/her physician and a written document of understanding is obtained. If the patient refuses the treatment with a documented refusal, his/her relationship with our institution is terminated. A patient who has previously refused treatment has the right to receive the necessary medical care and treatment if he/she reapplies.
Right to Privacy Our patients have the right to receive services in an environment suitable for privacy during the entire treatment process. The health status, medical condition and all personalized information of all individuals who apply to our hospital are protected in a way that will remain confidential even after death. This information belonging to the patient may be disclosed upon the patient's explicit consent or upon the court's explicit request.
Right to Respect Our patients have the right to be examined and treated in a respectful, compassionate and friendly environment by protecting their personal dignity at all times and under all circumstances.
Right to Request Consultation (Second Opinion) Our patients have the right to call a consultant physician for their diagnosis and treatment. The consultant physician recommends the treatment, but the patient's primary physician approves the procedure.
Right to Fulfill Religious Obligations Our patients have the right to freely fulfill their religious obligations regardless of religious differences and as long as it does not interfere with treatment. To the extent that it is available, the patient has the right to have a clergyman, either at the patient's own request or, in the case of a patient in a state of agony, by the patient's legally authorized representative, to give advice and prayers according to the patient's religious needs.
Right to Safety Everyone has the right to expect and demand safety in a health care facility. Necessary measures are taken by our hospital to protect and ensure the safety of life and property of patients and their relatives such as visitors and companions. Our patients have the right to request additional protection, if necessary, in addition to the security provided by our hospital, provided that they pay for it. Appropriate protection measures have been taken in our hospital for children, disabled individuals and the elderly (alone, in need of care, unaccompanied).
Right to have a Companion and Visitor Our patients have the right to accept visitors and have a companion in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by our hospital.
Right to Report Complaints/Opinions and Suggestions Patients have the right to have their complaints taken into consideration, to initiate, review and finalize the complaint mechanism and to be informed of the outcome. Our patients have the right to report their complaints regarding patient rights to the relevant Patient Rights Unit, administrative authority or Ethics Committee of our hospital, without prejudice to the right to apply to the relevant professional organizations and courts in accordance with Law No. 6023. In the event that no solution is found by the relevant administrative authorities or ethics committees or if the patient does not accept the solution regarding his/her complaint, he/she has the right to apply to the highest administrative supervisor of the place where the health institution is located. The patient also has the right to apply to the judiciary for his/her legal rights.
Healthcare Organization Rules and Practices Our patients have the right to be informed about the hospital rules and practices to be applied to them. The patient has the right to request the correction of the data related to the disease and treatment procedure that do not comply with the original in the medical records.
Our patients have the right to learn the cost of treatment services prior to treatment and to request and receive a clear and detailed invoice of the fees paid for t