

A baby's health is the most precious treasure. Operating with this motto, the Perinatology Department of Biruni University Hospital meticulously monitors high-risk pregnancies and works with all its might to ensure that the baby is born healthy. With our experienced expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment, we closely monitor high-risk pregnancies and protect the health of the mother and baby with early diagnosis and treatment methods.

Perinatology, also known as “Perinatal medicine”, is a branch of medicine that focuses on pregnancy situations where problems arise regarding the mother-to-be or the baby to be born. The department conducts the diagnosis and treatment processes in cases where the pregnancy is riskier than the pregnancies of other expectant mothers.

What is Perinatology?

Perinatology is a special branch of medicine that covers the process from the beginning of pregnancy to the postpartum period and addresses the health of the mother and baby with a holistic approach. “Maternal fetal medicine” and “Perinatal medicine” The department, also known as the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, diagnoses potential problems that the mother and baby may encounter in high-risk pregnancies early, takes the necessary precautions and offers the best treatment options.

The department is staffed by physicians who have completed their specialization in gynaecology and obstetrics and then received 3 years of perinatology training to specialise in this field. While the routine follow-up of a healthy pregnant woman is carried out by gynaecologists, perinatologists provide the follow-up of expectant mothers and babies who are in the risk group due to special conditions and illnesses.

The Importance of Perinatology in High-Risk Pregnancies

Perinatology plays a vital role in high-risk pregnancies. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, pregnancies at risk of premature birth, and many other high-risk conditions are carefully monitored by perinatologists. In this way, the health of the mother and baby is closely monitored and possible complications are detected and intervened early.

What Health Problems Can Cause High-Risk Pregnancies?

Perinatology closely monitors factors that can affect the health of the mother and baby before and during pregnancy. The expectant mother's current health status, complications that arise during pregnancy, fetal development, etc. perinatologists.

Risk factors before pregnancy include:

  • Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes
  • Thyroid problems, liver or kidney diseases
  • Infections, collagen tissue diseases
  • Genetic disorders, blood incompatibility
  • Drug use use, smoking or alcohol consumption
  • Advanced maternal age or excessive weight

Problems that may arise during pregnancy:

  • Gestational diabetes, pregnancy poisoning (preeclampsia, eclampsia)
  • Early bleeding, multiple pregnancies
  • History of premature birth, abnormal test results
  • Growth retardation in the baby, fetal anomalies
  • Amniotic fluid abnormalities, infections

Perinatologists evaluate these risk factors and possible complications, take the necessary precautions to protect the health of the mother and the baby and provide appropriate treatment methods.

What Does the Perinatology Department Look for?

Perinatology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of risk factors that may jeopardize the health of the mother and/or baby. The conditions that are closely followed in our department are as follows:

  • High-risk pregnancies: Diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancy, risk of premature birth, pregnancy at an advanced age.
  • Monitoring of fetal (baby) development: The baby's growth and development are followed with detailed ultrasonography, Doppler ultrasonography, fetal echo.
  • Genetic counseling: Genetic disease history
  • Prenatal tests: Tests such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and non-stress test (NST) are performed.
  • Prevention of complications: Conditions such as premature birth, preeclampsia, and placenta previa are treated.

In addition, our department also deals with anatomical problems of the placenta, blood incompatibility, problems related to the baby's position, and infections during pregnancy.

How is a Perinatology Examination Performed?

The maternal fetal medicine examination begins with a detailed history being taken from the expectant mother. Information such as pregnancy history, eating habits, current health status, and family history of genetic diseases are evaluated. Then, the baby's development and health status are examined in detail with physical examination and imaging methods such as ultrasonography. If necessary, additional tests such as blood tests, genetic tests and amniocentesis may be requested.

What Tests Are Performed in the Perinatology Department?

Various tests are performed in the department to evaluate the health of the mother and baby:

  • Ultrasonography: The baby's development and general health are evaluated.
  • Doppler ultrasonography: The blood flow to the baby is measured and nutrition and oxygen intake are evaluated.
  • Amniocentesis: It is used to detect genetic structure and chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Chorion villus sampling (CVS): It is done for genetic testing.
  • Non-stress test (NST): The baby's heartbeat and movements are monitored.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Perinatology?

The department is a branch of medicine that examines high-risk pregnancies and fetal health. It covers pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum periods.

Why Should I Apply to the Department?

It is recommended that you apply to the maternal fetal medicine department in the following cases:

  • Advanced maternal age (35 years and older)
  • Multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.)
  • Existing health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease during pregnancy
  • Miscarriage, premature birth or other problems in previous pregnancies
  • Fetal anomalies or developmental delays suspicion

What Tests Are Done in the Department?

Various tests such as detailed ultrasonography, fetal echocardiography, amniocentesis, cordocentesis, genetic tests can be done. These tests are used to evaluate the health of the fetus and detect potential problems.

When Should I Consult a Perinatologist?

If you have any of the risk factors mentioned above, it is recommended that you consult a perinatologist in the early stages of your pregnancy.

Can Birth Be Done in a Perinatology Department?

Yes, the perinatal medicine department In hospitals with high-risk pregnancies, monitoring and delivery can be carried out. In this way, rapid intervention is provided against possible complications.

Is referral necessary to apply to the Perinatology Department?

The gynecologist who is following your pregnancy can refer you when necessary, or you can apply yourself in risky situations.

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