The Heart and Its Vital Role

The heart, located within the chest cavity above the lungs, pumps nutrients, oxygen, and blood to our body through rhythmic contractions. Like other muscles in the body, the heart also needs oxygen to function properly. The arteries that supply this need are the coronary arteries. Any problem that occurs in the coronary arteries can lead to serious health issues. In fact, heart and vascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide.

What is Cardiology?

Cardiology is a branch of science that studies diseases of the heart and circulatory system. The Cardiology Department comprises units that apply diagnostic and treatment methods for these diseases through clinical and laboratory studies.

Comprehensive Services in the Cardiology Department:

  • Cardiology outpatient services
  • Echocardiography
  • Stress test
  • Rhythm and blood pressure Holter monitoring
  • Cardiac interventions (femoral and radial angiography, angioplasty, stenting)
  • Interventional treatment of peripheral arteries
  • Pacemaker implantation

Treatments and Services

  • Hypertension
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Arrhythmia
  • Heart failure
  • Congenital heart diseases in adulthood
  • Heart valve diseases

Heart and Vascular Diseases

Heart and vascular diseases encompass a wide range of conditions related to the heart and circulatory system. The most common issues include:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart failure
  • Heart valve diseases
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Peripheral vascular diseases (carotid artery, leg arteries, renal arteries, etc.)
  • Congenital heart diseases in adulthood (ASD, VSD, PDA)
  • Hypertension
  • Pericardial diseases

Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery becomes blocked, preventing a specific heart muscle region from receiving adequate oxygen and causing permanent damage. The blockage is typically caused by blood clots or fat deposits.

Heart Failure

Heart failure refers to the heart’s inability to pump blood effectively due to its weakened state. The following conditions may lead to heart failure:

  • Damage caused by a heart attack
  • Heart valve diseases
  • Congenital heart defects
  • High blood pressure
  • Viral infections

Diagnostic Methods in Heart Diseases

Electrocardiography (ECG)

This technique records the electrical activity of the heart and examines the function of the heart muscle and nerve conduction system. It is essential in diagnosing heart artery blockages and rhythm disorders.

Stress Test

This is applied in two ways:

  • Stress ECG Test: The patient walks on a treadmill at a fast pace while continuous ECG monitoring identifies potential narrowing in the heart arteries.
  • Stress Echocardiography: By conducting an ultrasound before and after the stress test, the accuracy of the diagnosis is enhanced.

Echocardiography and Color Doppler

This imaging technique uses sound waves to visualize the heart’s structure, chamber sizes, functional capacity, and valve functions. Additionally, a detailed method called transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) can be performed, requiring fasting and preparation.

Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography

The heart’s structure, pressures in the chambers, valve stenosis, and blockages in heart arteries can be precisely examined through cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography. During cardiac catheterization:

  • Pressures inside the heart are measured.
  • A contrast dye is injected into the left heart chamber to examine its pumping function.

Holter Monitor

  • Heart Rhythm Holter: Records the heart’s rhythm for 24 hours, helping to diagnose rhythm disorders.
  • Blood Pressure Holter: Monitors blood pressure fluctuations during daily activities and sleep.

Electrophysiological Study (EPS)

This procedure diagnoses the exact cause of rhythm disorders. A catheter is advanced to the heart via a vein in the groin under local anesthesia.

Cardiac MRI

This imaging method evaluates the heart’s outer membrane, chambers, valves, myocardium, and major arteries without harming the patient.

Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy

This test examines whether the blood supply and nourishment of the heart muscle are adequate. A radioactive substance, thallium, is administered intravenously to evaluate blood flow at rest and under stress.

Treatment Methods

  1. Medical Treatment (Medication): Medications significantly benefit many heart diseases.
  2. Interventional Treatment: Includes angioplasty, stenting, and other minimally invasive methods.
  3. Surgical Treatment: Encompasses open-heart surgeries and other advanced procedures.

Interventional Cardiology

Angioplasty and Stenting Technique

Balloon angioplasty and stenting are used to treat artery blockages. Types of stents include:

  • Non-drug-coated stents
  • Drug-coated stents
  • Fully biodegradable stents

Cardiac Pacemakers

Pacemakers are implanted to correct heart rhythm and enhance heart muscle contractions in heart failure.

Interventional Methods for Heart Valve Diseases

  • TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation): For aortic valve stenosis in high-risk patients.
  • Mitral Balloon Valvuloplasty: Effective for mitral valve stenosis.
  • MitraClip: For treating mitral valve insufficiency.

Interventional Treatment of Congenital Heart Diseases

Devices are used to close congenital defects such as ASD, VSD, and PDA through catheters.

Ablation Techniques

Used for treating rhythm disorders, including specialized renal ablation for uncontrolled hypertension.

Surgical Treatment

Surgical interventions are performed by cardiovascular surgeons for complex heart diseases.

Unit Doctors
Prof. Dr. Cüneyt KOÇAŞ
Prof. Dr. Cüneyt KOÇAŞ
Prof. Dr. Okay ABACI
Prof. Dr. Okay ABACI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savaş SARIKAYA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savaş SARIKAYA
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Emrah ÖZDEMİR
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Emrah ÖZDEMİR
Specialist Dr. Faik Alper AKSOY
Specialist Dr. Faik Alper AKSOY